Sunday, September 6, 2009

Wines I would drink again

In my kitchen were a number of empty wine bottles that I had collected over the years. I kept these bottles because the wines were yummy and I wanted to be able to remember them when the chance came for a re-purchase.

I would rinse the bottles out when empty and lined the windows with colorful reminders of wonderful wine-ful afternoons and evenings. But this week during my surprise two week hiatus from blogging I noticed that the bottles were looking a bit odd. Dirt and dust was collecting inside the bottles as well as on top of them. They didn't look exactly pretty anymore. And on top of that, I don't remember anything about the drinking of these wines! If they were great, good, heavy, needed decanted, were delicious, needed to rest - nothing.

I took them all down and took pictures of the labels and am sharing them with you here. I am actually going to put the labels in my wine notebook, and when I have a chance to drink these again I will share tasting notes with you. In the mean time I will do some research on these wines and share that with you in the coming weeks - but you should also know that they were good enough to hang on too even while they became dust collectors, and I therefore recommend them.

Tomorrow - a little about Wine Woot.

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